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  1. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    I just can't wait for today to enddddd...... the last two today and then i'm freeeee.
  2. D

    How well did u go for your second HSC assessments?

    I'm too scared to go check my results for my 2nd economics assessment task LOL
  3. D

    burnt out

    I'm in the same boat.... this is the last leg of the race (metaphorically speaking) and im just so drained of energy... and the half yearlies are nearly over... i just can't wait.. 3 week holidays after them.
  4. D

    burnt out

    I actually feel quite burnt out today... and I've got two exams to go... ughh man. I just feeel soo tired and have no motivation to study.... lack of energy.
  5. D

    So how is study going?

    I've also done 5/7 of my exams... 2 more to go which are both on monday - economics + maths ext 1. Gonna study all day today maths.. then most of the day tomorrow for eco... and a bit of combined on sunday night before the exams. And obviously some cramming on monday morning lol. And then...
  6. D

    burnt out

    Sometimes I feel like that too. To get motivation I usually think about what I'll be rewarded with in the future if I work hard and put effort in now... and try to put passion into my learning. Look at doing work as expanding your knowledge and understanding instead of a daunting task.. it helps.
  7. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    Ahh... had Chem and Bio today. I didn't mind chem.. it wasn't overly difficult, but a good test. Hoping for in the mid to high 80's range. I didn't like the Bio exam.. it concentrated too much on certain things.. and missed quite a few dot points of the topics.. ie didnt include mendel...
  8. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    Had Maths 2u and IPT today... woah I feel drained. Maths 2u - bit of a stuffed up test, but anyway.. hoping for around 80% IPT - did pretty well.. hopefully 90%+ Chem + Bio tomorrowww
  9. D

    So how is study going?

    I still don't feel satisfied,even though I studied all day from 1.30pm onwards yesterday. Ughhh maths is up this morning.... Need 2 cram for an hour before IPT exam this arvo...
  10. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    Same as us - we got given question 3 almost two weeks before the English exam (which gave me time to prepare an awesome essay), and we had only one english paper as well, which was all on Area of Study - Journey. We're not being assessed on the modules in our half yearly. For the essay, I...
  11. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    well our school gave us a copy of question 3 of the English Paper, as that physical journeys essay in itself was an assessment task. The half yearly is 10% weighting (ie sections I and II) and the essay is also a 10% assessment task. Hence, the actual half yearly paper is all up worth 20%
  12. D

    When is the 2008 HSC Exam Timetable released?

    Thats the reason why I wanna see it ASAP.... So May 1st... thanks for the quick replies!
  13. D

    When is the 2008 HSC Exam Timetable released?

    Title says it all.. :cool:
  14. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    Ughhh... the deadly block of exams starts tomorrow. Morning + Afternoon exams on thursday, friday + monday. But after that, all my exams are over. Tomorrow - Maths + IPT Friday - Chem + Bio Monday - Economics + Maths Extension 1 im gonna dieeeeeee :jaw:
  15. D

    So how is study going?

    Well, not too bad actually... Today I went school for a few hours (casually) to ask teachers questions and what not... and for guides in which areas to study in greater depth. From about 5.45 to 8pm I studied for Bio. Now taking a few minutes rest and then revising maths for a couple hours...
  16. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    I'm quite happy with my exam timetable.. Had English Adv on Monday, then after that two day break. Thursday - Mathematics and IPT. Friday - Chemistry and Bio. Monday (week 2) - Economics and Maths Extension 1. Its quite cluttered, although I'm thankful for the two day break in between English...
  17. D

    What Stimulus Booklet texts r u doin???

    For this year's English Paper 1 HSC Exam, the stimulus booklet has been removed, ie you don't have to refer to a stimulus booklet test in your response. The BOS stated it in one of their bulletins. Either way, I still used my booklet text for my half year (Im doing physical journeys).. and...
  18. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    cheers ;) lol we had a damn eco assessment last friday, right before half yearlies... go figure. it was on topic 2... like 10 m/c questions, and an essay on the implications of CAD.
  19. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    Morning + Afternoon Exams = :angry: The remainder of my half yearlies are all in that format... ie 3 more days all up of exams.... but 2 exams each day.. ughh.. Good luck for Maths + Geo :)
  20. D

    Half Yearly Exams

    First half yearly exam was English.. today - 9 - 11am Section I - some ok texts, I think i did some fairly solid responses, but probably gonna get around 12 or 13/15 there. Section II - question was copied out of the 2005 HSC Paper... and I wrote a fairly short story... 2.5 pages. Hoping...