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  1. G

    Who's effing bored of studying?

    studying business service can take up 3 hours yes 3 hours that's how it is i'm doing past paper questions while watching spongebob.. i have to do well in this subject otherwise i'm screw~~
  2. G

    Stay away from this subject!

    the truth is if you don't do well of course it will scale you down if you get band 3/4 for most subject it will automatically scale you down of course this subject won't scale high like maths this subject is very helpful and it will overlap if you doing any other subject such as design or...
  3. G

    So, who noticed the two mistakes on page 18?

    hahahahahaha but honestly as a struggle SDD student like me didn't even realise there was mistakes in the exam, maybe i was nervous so people did get 0 for all the output in their truth table..? i thought i did something wrong...
  4. G

    Band 6 Cut Off???

    no one left in my class, instead one girl sits opposite to me keep wondering around for like half an hour and work on the paper again instead for only 15 minutes(she didn't study) i heard one of the smart classmate said if you got 88 it will scale down to 66 i find that hard to believe i...
  5. G

    Do we actually have to do floating pointin the Exam?

    thank you! you're very helpful
  6. G


    yeah i agree, you relieve after you finish english i think the whole HSC system calculating UAI, especially the scaling is confusing but personally i enjoyed HSC, and then you realise how fast it past by
  7. G

    Do we actually have to do floating pointin the Exam?

    i think i get it now, but i'm not sure if it's right if you look at the 2007 paper Q25 a)ii) it said evaluate the following 8 bit two's complement expression which is 11111101 x 00001111 so is 11111101 a negative number and 00001111 is a positive number?
  8. G

    Do any other girls do Software Design and Development?

    wow, that's a small amount of females....
  9. G

    Do we actually have to do floating pointin the Exam?

    i look at few past papers and there are only few or even none floating point questions in it probably it's too bothersome? so they don't put it in on the other hand there might be a chance. we were allow to bring calculators for internal assessment, but it's much more helpful if we can bring...
  10. G

    2008 HSC Timetable

    that's quiet painful i'm having 3 hour exam in the afternoon next week and our whole school just came back from camp, it's gonna be annoying when the clock hits 3 I get distracted when the old ladies keep walking around or standing in front of me during the exam
  11. G

    Anyone think they fucked their HSC already?

    many people left early in studies of religion exam though i finished half an hour early and i already checked everything i see other people request for second booklet for section 3 i was like really you need to write that much..?
  12. G

    best way to memorise....

    i agree with this method definitely useful another way is to review it after you read it ask yourself some questions to show your understanding studies show people who review have a higher chance of remembering information than those who don't
  13. G

    Do any other girls do Software Design and Development?

    me too my school offered information and technology at the beginning of our year 11 but only 3 girls were doing it so they cancelled it instead.
  14. G

    What does everyone think they got???

    in the paper section 3 it said you must choose a different religion written in bold my teacher reminded us many times before exams too. I found the exam is ok, very similar to last year's one except section 3 was bit different. the multiple choice was bit tricky..
  15. G

    Anyone think they fucked their HSC already?

    i heard the ext maths was really hard... i did the 2u one and one girl walked out after 1 and half hour of exams...
  16. G

    Exam Superstitions??

    it does give you a lot of energy in the morning. i ate that breakfast for my 2 exam in one day and i didn't even eat lunch before my second exam... for me i prefer to wear something red on my exam and i carry a lucky charm that i got from my first oversea trip...
  17. G

    2008 HSC Timetable

    some people finish the HSC after studies of religion so jealous i still got two to go i wish the business service exam was earlier, so i can finish early...
  18. G

    Do any other girls do Software Design and Development?

    I agree it's a guy subject but my school offers this subject as well and there is only about 16 people doing it? mainly because we're in girl private school and there is only one female software teacher in the entire school teaching us. Half of us failed exams while other half getting band 5...