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  1. S


    a faggot's penis
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    lol are you serious? wat the fuck were u doin in the lecture where he was explaining it? ffs lady its SIMPLE the q jus asks about how... ok i dont even do psych lol sorry :D
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    hi gay people :)
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    How do you avoid looking like you're FOB?

    fucken be proud of where you come from dipshit, stop fucking pretending to be something youre not. pics or gtfo
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    integration by sub.

    wheres your +C bitch. pwnd.
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    ATAR estimate - 98.5+?

    you'll need to maintain the effort, then itll be very probable.
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    +1. fucking win.
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    A little date game .... wink, wink, nudge, nudge

    daddy scarlett johannsen or rachel mcadams
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    Parra vs. Doggies

    but it is!!!
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    72-year-old pregnant to her grandson

    lol watdafuk o_O'' .... who the fuck tortures a person eternally by bringin them to life like that... meh, by the time the kids 14 his mum/great grandmother will be dead. end of story.
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    Going to the gym alone

    how much do u bench
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    Going to the gym alone

    where do you live, ill cum with you ;)
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    Failed computer modification :(

    lmao +1
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    Parra vs. Doggies

    yes you
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    Parra vs. Doggies

    wat skool do YOU go to
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    from ur q: If P(x) is a monic, degree 4, integer coefficent also, a is 1 since the eqn is monic therefore -b/a is just -b so alpha+beta = -b which has to be an integer
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    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><meta name="ProgId" content="Word.Document"><meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 12"><meta name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 12"><link rel="File-List"...
  18. S

    Melbourne Storm Salary Cap Rort

    i always knew the storm were rortin the fucking system, etc etc fuck, the dogs coulda won etc