Search results

  1. Rafy

    Labor MPs plotting to dump Rees

    For the record John Robertson is now in the NSW Ministry. Steve Whan was also promoted. I doubt we'll see Premier Robertson, but I wouldn't be suprised if he moved to the Assembly at the next election and subsequently became Opposition Leader. Rees hands public service reform job to John...
  2. Rafy


    Re: Lost - Discuss Future Episodes Here! I'm enjoying this season. It's well paced. Everything is starting to come together.
  3. Rafy

    usyd enrolment

    Did a proxy enrolment for my sister today. Amazing how many people just rocked up unprepared. At least try to sort out your subjects beforehand, otherwise you'll be sitting there at enrolment for hours working it out.
  4. Rafy

    Zimbabwe abandons its currency

    Zimbabwe abandons its currency | BBC NEWS Zimbabwe sidelines worthless dollar for hard currencies | The Australian
  5. Rafy

    text book list

    You'll find a text list for many subjects here: However, wait until after your first lectures before buying any textbooks/readers. You'll find that many of the books on...
  6. Rafy

    What's the best way to get to Usyd?

    Parking @ USyd - Bored of Studies
  7. Rafy

    What's the best way to get to Usyd?
  8. Rafy

    B. Eco and SocSci

    The rule as stated in the faculty resolutions is: "2.1.4. no more than 60 credit points of units of study from Faculties other than Arts and Economics and Business."
  9. Rafy

    Question on second round offers

    Yes you should enrol, you'll lose the place otherwise. If you get a late round offer, you can withdraw from the main round course. This will not happen automatically however.
  10. Rafy

    Gender mix at uSyd

    In 2008: BSc Female 808 Male 768 Total 1,576 USYD Enrolments 2008
  11. Rafy

    Gender mix at uSyd

    Female 26304 (58%) Male 19066 (42%) Total 45370
  12. Rafy

    Can our civilisation survive this century?

    Reminds me of The Population Bomb.
  13. Rafy

    USYD Pharmacy '09 Roll Call!

    Total enrolments last year in BPharm was 275.
  14. Rafy

    What to do with my main round offer?

    Accept the main round offer. This will not prevent you from getting an offer in later rounds. You can always withdraw from the main round degree later.
  15. Rafy

    usyd enrolment

    They are two seperate cards. The access card is issued by the union and costs $99. You can find out more here: Access - the University of Sydney Union
  16. Rafy

    HECS fee + Bridging courses qns

    No there is no interest, but the amount is indexed to inflation.
  17. Rafy

    HECS fee + Bridging courses qns

    No, but HECS debt is indexed to the CPI.
  18. Rafy

    Subject Selections 2009

    Enrolment Variations is not currently avaliable. It's usually back mid-feb.
  19. Rafy

    Killer Milat cuts off finger.

    "Milat gives High Court the finger"
  20. Rafy

    What's the best way to get to Usyd?

    It's on the Camperdown Campus.