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  1. soha

    This is really pissing me off...

    did u apply for woolworths??? go to their website...and apply online just keep trying its just bad luck
  2. soha

    going out with cuz-in-law's sister?

    whats the big deal its ur cousin in law not blood related
  3. soha

    Are checkouts that bad?

    that happened to me except i was pissed off because i got the jacket to wear to a certain place i wasnt pissed at the lady i was just pissed in general..i was like fuuk i cant wear it now whats the point of buying it? my dad offered to take it off with his tools i was afraid there was...
  4. soha

    Does God Exist?

    suphan allah thats so cool there has been many incidents of that like your hand spells allah if u put it up to ur face with your thumb pointing to the left and they found a bee hive that said allah so many beautiful things i shud find pics
  5. soha

    Is the customer always right?

    well a friend said they wanted to go there i was wondering if it was worth it or if i should just stick to westfeilds paramatta
  6. soha


    yeah i dont think her husband knows or maybe he does now that he released it in an article
  7. soha


    i was thinking of the brady bunch as i was reading it ive heard about a girl who was sleeping with her step father and another girl who fell inlove with her step brother i think these were like dolly articles or something and a guy who slept with his auntie...and she got pregnant and...
  8. soha

    the OC

    lol when i saw her hair i thought wtf is with her hair some sort of 20's style or sumshit it was funny
  9. soha

    WHAT THE??? New Student Fees

    whoops..i 4got about fees alltogether
  10. soha

    When to move to the Gong

    13th is my 18th birthday totally off topic but yeah 13th is a good day
  11. soha

    favourite talk show?

    ive been hooked to doctor phil lately been watching it nearly everyday
  12. soha


    i know of many people that married their first cousin their children turned out fine etc etc i dont think its that big a deal..nothing entirely wrong with it apart from the chidren having possible defects when they are born i however wouldnt marry my cousin because he is a total jerk..
  13. soha

    GirlTV.. how HOT is she??

    lol... .............
  14. soha

    Are checkouts that bad?

    dont let this thread stop you .. its not that bad..i would reccomend it its o.k..and if it was seriously that bad..i wouldnt have stayed for 3 years
  15. soha

    Favourite radio station

    2mfm 92.1 fm and cooree radio
  16. soha

    Are checkouts that bad?

    oh i c yeah i kno where that is my friend lives there thats right
  17. soha

    Does God Exist?

    i find as a muslim i have proof that god exists i have faith in my religon but i also see the koran as proof in the koran there is many chapters that reveal things like..the koran says something..and its true..coz its been proven itself scientific stuff mostly scientific stuff that was...
  18. soha

    Are checkouts that bad?

    quakers..thats not far from winston hills is it?
  19. soha

    My dog ate my HSC

    thats a crack cnat they send u a new one i dont see y not
  20. soha

    Are checkouts that bad?

    yeah i was