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  1. L

    Predictions for Modern?

    uh bad sr idk like 98 usually isn't it
  2. L

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    tbh keep law first but have good options which you'd be ok doing as 2nd 3rd etc
  3. L

    How did they get into usyd law

    i know someone else who got in although they had a high 98 atar not sure exactly what their ATAR was, but they got points through one of the performance/sports things i think?
  4. L

    chem mod 6

    yep module 6 is pretty fine i think i finished module 5 and 6 during term 4 maybe January holidays and then 7 and 8 in April holidays i don't remember lmao but yeah it's pretty easy to get content done and honestly super beneficial :) as for how long it depends how many hours per day/week...
  5. L

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    yeah you have a chance just ride it out see how it goes lmao keep putting it first till you get in
  6. L

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    i think it's fair they do a result check but ridiculous that it's 22 bucks it should be less than 10 for sure - same price as raw marks report seems reasonable IMO they also increased all prices from last year...
  7. L

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    nah i might buy it not sure yet
  8. L

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    yeah i got 89 as well but i prepared so much for it all, i think i got cooked by sections 3 and 4 but I'm sure i aced section one like i kinda ate that up, and i had a 25/25 for section 2 so probs did ok in that but i got 92 overall so it's fine
  9. L

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    lol i did 260 hours during HSC period :| what a waste nah i shoulda done more... modern was a flop but yolo
  10. L

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    too much study, got a high-ish 98
  11. L

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    overestimated by 0.4 got a high 98
  12. L

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    like 100 because there's usually like 10 people tied on 100/100 split and some would be 99/100 split
  13. L

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    yeah same i got ghosted by NESA :(