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  1. BackCountrySnow

    Extremely concerned about assessment marks

    get where? what are you aiming for? how is your school ranked? those marks alone at a good school aren't bad.. ps. someone should write a general response and sticky it to help out all these people. There seems to have been a massive influx of these types of posts lately.
  2. BackCountrySnow

    Help with subjects please

    they should call it supermarket maths. If product A costs 75 cents and a customer pays $1, how much change will he/she get? If a store buys product B at 50c and sells it for $1.20, how much profit is the store making per box? I didn't think maths could get anymore basic then general..
  3. BackCountrySnow

    Economics Internships

    but usually nothing before honours??
  4. BackCountrySnow

    HSC Tips - Harder 3U

    ohok, i thought it was a way to remember something. like sohcahtoa
  5. BackCountrySnow

    HSC Tips - Harder 3U

    arnold? can someone please explain..
  6. BackCountrySnow

    Help with subjects please

    a friend of mine dropped just prior to half yearlies...
  7. BackCountrySnow

    Half Yearly Exams

    not quite...
  8. BackCountrySnow

    You KNOW you're an economics nerd when..

    haha, how about. When you realize that alcohol price rises would do so little to demand that you conclude that it is almost perfectly inelastic. Australians are a bunch of alcos... and props to the gov't for taxing grog so heavily. government revenue ftw. ps. you eat muffins?? EDIT: what...
  9. BackCountrySnow

    The case study thread.

    or you could upload it onto the resources page and get paid in complements and blessings .
  10. BackCountrySnow

    People who continue to write after time's up.

    honesty must play a role in it. Most people are deperate to finish but their honesty is what lets them accept that time is up and stop writing. maybe honesty isnt the best word though.
  11. BackCountrySnow

    Half Yearly Exams

    but 3u involves harder 2u... lol
  12. BackCountrySnow

    Preparing yourself for a Job interview.

    haha how about - my weakness is that i tend to bury myself in in my work and I have to make sure I perform to the best of my ability. horrible weakness...
  13. BackCountrySnow

    The case study thread.

    Yeah I changed my mind. check the edit on the first post. chances are it will be tested atleast once...
  14. BackCountrySnow

    The case study thread.

    usually the case study is in your school's half yearly? or half yearlies in general?
  15. BackCountrySnow

    The case study thread.

    and But all the other parts of the syllabus can be linked to a lot of other areas. For example, there might not be a terms of trade question but in the CAD question you can explain how an improvement in TOT alleviates the CAD. I guess you could throw in examples of your case study when...
  16. BackCountrySnow

    The case study thread.

    What country (or countries) are you doing your case study on? Poland - an example of the wonders of capitalism. thoughts: alright, I'm seriously considering not doing the case study. Why? it may not even be tested in the HSC... I don't think it's worth it to spend all that time researching to...
  17. BackCountrySnow

    Should I move up to 2u mathematics from general?

    not at my school. It's popular, but not that popular.. bio,phys,chem and business are all much more popular.
  18. BackCountrySnow

    People who continue to write after time's up.

    haha, who needs a full-stop when you can use 'and'?
  19. BackCountrySnow

    How am i going (marks included) ?

    haha, more like private tutor session.. Yeah, my physics class is quite small (wouldn't be small by your standards though) and I find it great. The environment is a lot better, there's a lot more questions asked and the class discussions are really interesting and helpful It's a lot better than...
  20. BackCountrySnow

    Should I move up to 2u mathematics from general?

    sorry to hear :( :) TRUTH!! scaling is designed to 'not give a students an advantage nor a disdavantage from choosing a certain course'. It is designed to let students pick courses they are good at.