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  1. braindrainedAsh

    The Lesson of King Lear

    Life's a bitch and then you die? LOL....
  2. braindrainedAsh

    BA Media & Communications (Journalism) in International Studies - curiosity

    Umm... have you heard of HECS fees? You have to pay HECS!!!! So far, there are common subjects for first year (same accross all the comm degrees) and they are more theoretical/historical/social type studies... then you have your professional subject ie journalism where you start developing...
  3. braindrainedAsh

    Greetings, photos etc. (1st year)

    Lexi, there is a photo of you.... you scanned your student ID remember??
  4. braindrainedAsh

    Do you 'still' like Uni?

    My course is pass/fail..... all I can get is a pass, it's dumb!!!!! I want more dammit! I need something to motivate me!
  5. braindrainedAsh

    BA Media & Communications (Journalism) in International Studies - curiosity

    I'm doing journalism.... I wanted to double it with int std but missed out.... what do you want to know exactly?
  6. braindrainedAsh

    The Individual and Society

    By philosophical paradigms I believe they would be referring to things such as the place of women in society, financially tiered class systems, institutions such as the church and the aristocracy and their ideologies... Stuff like that.
  7. braindrainedAsh


    yeah i think it's at hoyts george st... dunno about other places
  8. braindrainedAsh


    Has anyone seen the movie thirteen yet? Is it good? I'm thinking about going and seeing it, would you recommend it?
  9. braindrainedAsh

    The Lion King (stage production)

    I went and saw the musical last night, it was awesome!!!!! I'd never seen a musical in a "real" theatre before, only the ones that had travelled to Albury (which is not many) and omigod I loved it. The opening scene was just wow!!! Rafiki had the most awesome voice!!! I decided I wanted to...
  10. braindrainedAsh

    A weird question

    But I would rather do something different, not more arts stuff....
  11. braindrainedAsh

    Help with Assignments!

    hehe sounds cool.... thats alright then, I couldn't possibly read anything else, I haven't even read the book I have to do the book report on! Eeek!!! Grrr hating these assignments!!!
  12. braindrainedAsh

    Survivor Allstars!

    The only reason Sue blew up like that was because she thought that maybe she could sue Richard and get herself some money. She told Rupert that she was going to sue Richard's ass.... I guess her lawyer talked some sense in to her so they are now all friends again lol. But poor Jeff.... he...
  13. braindrainedAsh

    A weird question

    Yeah I mean for future semesters.... I dunno I will have to ask someone about it
  14. braindrainedAsh

    Help with Assignments!

    Since the uni won't help us, let's help each other!!! For the contemp cultures essay, is it just an opinion type piece??? That's what my tutor said, but I have heard differing things!!! Does it need to have references??? Because I am analyzing an ad, so all my interpretation is just coming...
  15. braindrainedAsh

    A weird question

    Hmmm I dunno what to do now... though it's going to be awfully difficult to transfer out of UTS with their pass/fail subjects in first year!!!! It's too much of the same I think. I need some variety.... I'd love to double it with something!!! Anything!!!!
  16. braindrainedAsh

    Do you 'still' like Uni?

    Yeah I totally agree. I thought that power and change would be a politics subject instead of some random mix of politics, history and cultural studies. I'd rather study political science than the hotch-potch subject of p&c in aust. And I'd rather have a subject that could be examined rather...
  17. braindrainedAsh

    how did u make friends in uni.

    lol at translation! Anyway, in my course there seems to be some nice people, however a lot of people seem kinda high and mighty, especially the mature age students who hold their life experience (especially some of those with media experience) over us recent school leavers. Some of them are...
  18. braindrainedAsh

    Do you 'still' like Uni?

    Yeah, spin spin I agree with the random filler thing. It's not that I don't mind having to learn independantly.... (heck, my chemistry teacher didn't taught me barely a thing in yr 12)... but the course content is so random.... plus there is no real motivation considering it's just pass/fail...
  19. braindrainedAsh

    A weird question

    Is there any way to do "double degrees" besides the ones that UTS has programmed??? Like, say if I wanted to do a double in science and communications or something like that.... Could it be arranged do you think?? I just think I would like my degree a lot more of it was more varied by...
  20. braindrainedAsh

    Student Unionism...

    At UTS you have to pay for student union and student association.... I don't think student association should have to be paid for as they don't really provide any services to students who aren't extreme leftist activists.... or gay. Have you seen the disgusting mess that the student...