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  1. voodoobiskit

    Some BOW advice for future Visual Art Students

    LOL Thank you for this! Its good advice and I love the emphasis you put on experimenting :] Myspace is evil (and so passé) haha so I should have no troubles staying off it :] & I also agree with the deviantart idea. Its an excellent site and the people are so friendly and insightful with their...
  2. voodoobiskit

    English Tutor Needed

    For ext this year all that's been studied is Great Expectations the novel as well as the two films. We did read Jack Maggs, but we didn't study it or do anything else for that matter as due to absences and replacement of my ext teacher we've ran out of time for most things. It really sucks. We...
  3. voodoobiskit

    English Tutor Needed

    Adv Changing Perspective: Catcher in the Rye Transformations: Taming of the Shrew/ Ten things I Hate About You Poetry by Judith Beverige Cultural Identity: Black Chicks Talking, which is some documentry Ext Texts and why they're valued (or something I can't remember off the top of my head)...
  4. voodoobiskit

    English Tutor Needed

    Hey, I need a tutor for English Advanced, Extension I and II. Can you please recommend anyone in or around Miranda, Hurstville or Sylvania? Or are there any tutors here willing to travel to Sylvania? Thanks guys :]
  5. voodoobiskit

    LJ community

    So year twelve is just around the corner as every one of us knows. And although boredofstudies is a great site with active, friendly message boards, I've had the idea of starting a livejournal community for fellow HSC students of 2007. I've noticed the exchange of IM names thread and thought...
  6. voodoobiskit


    Umm.. if that's the same as the use of solubility rules.. would water testing count? For example if a factory was based near a water supply or a river or something, and it was suspected that runoff was leaking into the river, solubility, or precipitation reactions could determine what was in it...