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  1. K

    what are you guys doing?

    you aint see nothing yet ;) its only prelim, dont stress over it too much ;) Svae your brain for HSC
  2. K

    esl hsc course

    well what did they recomend you to do? wel open high school is probaly good, but even then thats going to be hard because since you've only been here for 2 years, you really need someone teaching you. i'm doing advanced HSC and i find it hard already! Unless you take standard/adv course and...
  3. K

    should i do extension maths? question

    12 isnt that much less either :(
  4. K

    Studying at recess/lunch

    i usually eat at recess and if i have to some work, then its at lunch in the library. I end up reading mty newspaper at lunch if i dont have anything to do :) for tests, i read over my notes, but nothing to melodramatic or cramming in the library for me. doesnt work
  5. K

    Titration Competition

    same here. when we heard the year 11s were allowed to enter, we ran for our places :rolleyes:
  6. K

    Bob Emery vs CSU

    bob emergy doesnt answer some of the dp. at least csu refers and specifies each dot point. though bob emery has detailed notes - he doesnt even have the student column :( or ;) i think you cant rely on one...
  7. K


    as if not make your own
  8. K


    same. i use his notes to check if i've missed anything or cant really find anything on a partocular dot point. his notes gives me a start :)
  9. K


    oh yeah :rolleyes: i was doing my chem notes earlier and the discuss question stuck in my head before i posted it :) thanks ;)
  10. K

    Titration Competition

    neither have i - my old school was crap :p wow ! 0 error :eek: ! Third? thats good :) they only take first to the state one ?
  11. K


    identify data sources, gather, process and analyse information and use available evidence to assess Einstein's contribution to quantum theory and its relation to black body radiation whats a point against his contribution?
  12. K

    "Degree in a day"

    isnt it in the holidays ?
  13. K

    notes????? :) theres a link to variuos physics websites stickied on the main physics section of the forum
  14. K

    i dont like motors and generators

    lol i posted that i hated it somwhere. i now hate physics because of this module - we did this module first instead of space -.-"
  15. K

    Back emf....PLEASE EXPLAIN

    this is straight from my notes. i dont know if you'd get it straight away though or answers your question : Electric motors use an external emf applied to the coils to produce an electric current in the coils positioned in an external magnetic field. This current produces a magnetic field...
  16. K

    How do you find chemistry?

    i think chem is moderate for me. as long as i do my notes. if i dont do them, then i dont understand any of it. I think thats the same case for physics and biology. though i find physics more harder to understand. chemistry just has too many calculations in this module. i'm not used to it yet...
  17. K

    technology and science

    science journals :) theyre the more conventional way of keeping track of discoveries and experiments
  18. K

    gravimetric analysis problem

    maybe you did it in your bridging course and was too busy getting onto PM :p :rolleyes: its not that exciting, gravimetric analysis anyway. you're not missing out on anything really.
  19. K

    T shirts

    /me points to winston :rolleyes: , well the part :)
  20. K

    subject changes

    hmm isnt it any subject? my friends dropped economics for snr science. i think if youre dropping down from any 2 units you can go into snr science. my school let some kinds pick up ext 1 english at the end of yr 11, but they had to make up for one years worth of work in the holidays. not fun i...