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  1. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan says "Hi!!" in a lynnalistic manner to everyone and says that the evils of Telstra have been keeping him away but now his connection is back in order!:D Evan also is saddened for two reasons...the 1st being that since Monique's self imposed exile it appears Tez has also dissapeared from...
  2. kami

    Important - Please Read

    *Evan giggles in a butch and manly manner* Evan also tells anyone who is reading that he might not be able to come on BoS/MSN till Tuesday as the intraweb-ness is acting evil and wont let Evan log on to *any* site or MSN and now Telstra have to come out and fix it...which they are waiting...
  3. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan presumes to tell Katie that maybe Marcus is worried that his sp(icy h)am isn't big enough and so he is insulting others' sp(icy h)am.
  4. kami

    Medical Condition

    there is EAS, which there is an extensive guide on here, there are also special provisions you can request if you have a condition that interferes with you sitting the exam ie typing rather than writing, or whatever, and there is also a misadventure appeal where you appeal the marks awarded as...
  5. kami

    where r old hsc answers?

    Also for the incredibly old ones from the 60s, I think Coroneos released a compilation of past papers way back when which would have those. I don't know if you can buy that book anymore though so it might be better to look at a library. Alternatively you could ask your teacher if s/he would mark...
  6. kami

    How much 'stuff' does everyone have in their journal?

    my journal has over 140,000 you can see I *love* my journal, I definitely don't envy the marker who tries to read it though:p
  7. kami

    Telling the truth 2002 HSC question

    Firstly, what I always do when looking at these things is translate from "Board of Studies language" into real english. translation: How has the way you see things been shaped by the way they were presented to you?(in regards to your texts and the concept of truth) So thusly you would look...
  8. kami

    ENG EXT: Need some appropriations of Frankenstein

    AI starring Jude Law could be a good example.
  9. kami

    What are your weightings for trials for each subject from greatest to smallest...

    Thanks Kulazzi!:D Twins w00t!:D *ahem* Back on topic! :P
  10. kami

    What are your weightings for trials for each subject from greatest to smallest...

    Chemistry -45% MX1 - 45% MX2 - 35% EE1 - 30% and thats all I can think of...
  11. kami

    Library Fines

    Actually I would pay the fine, as the TAFE library can actually prevent you from recieving your TAFE certification if you try to avoid the fines. If you want to appeal it though, talk to the librarians and see if you can negotiate something they might be lenient as a replacement fee is a little...
  12. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan thought Katie didn't like greek boys because of all the extra...fur,:p
  13. kami

    BIG NAMES in 05

    How did I know you would post this?:p One thing you have to remember is not all of the state's students post on BoS, so there are probably a few "dark horses" running around that you don't know about yet. If, however I were to say top ranking BoSer...then I'd cast my vote on Slide Rule, though...
  14. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Marcus is always late because he is never here...Marcus needs better timing.
  15. kami

    Important - Please Read

    Evan has a mournful announcement...Monique has departed BoS and by extension I-PR. :( This morning Monique pmed a moderator with the request that she be banned. So Evan would like to wish Monique farewell, and goodbye. *waves* Bye Monique!
  16. kami

    UWS Regional Entry Test 2005 FAQ:

    Some definitions here: STAT- this is a test which has more than one component, it can be used by mature aged students for entry into uni and is also used by school leavers as *additional* criteria for entrance to certain courses such as pharmacy in the same way that UMAT is used for medicine...
  17. kami

    UWS Regional Entry Test 2005 FAQ:

    lol, I'm reading the RET pamphlet right now, and for some reason the sentences are exactly the same, I think I smell a trick:p Regardless though, good effort, this thread should be stickied.:)
  18. kami

    Important - Please Read

    *replaces skittle with a textbook*
  19. kami

    Do we need related material?

    No. You are meant to analyse the given ideas in this modules as according to your two given texts, you are not permitted to use related materials in the HSC exam.
  20. kami

    Important - Please Read

    *turns her somewhere else in amusement* Evan also tells Matt that Marcus is not our only grecian delight.:)