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  1. breaking

    fav Maroon 5 song

    sunday morning is there ya retard
  2. breaking

    Should marijuana be legalised?

    you are a fucking idiot
  3. breaking

    Age Difference

    perhaps, or maybe she's just a filthy slut :)
  4. breaking

    eXeem is coming!

    whats the difference?
  5. breaking

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    lol you're really keen to find out about that av juicy ;)
  6. breaking

    anyone going to ryde tafe?

    i am :) anyone else going this year?
  7. breaking

    fav Maroon 5 song

    "banned"? wow, that's original :rolleyes:
  8. breaking

    Numb/Encore - Linkin Park/Jay Z what a combo?

    really?!? no WAY!!!!!!!!!!
  9. breaking

    Nintendo DS or PSP??

    better interface? better graphics? LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!! and i would hardly call the pocketstation a rival to the game boy :rolleyes:
  10. breaking

    Nintendo DS or PSP??

    i reckon. and cyan_phoenix how can you say the DS has better games, you haven't played any games on either console you fucking moron.
  11. breaking

    Nintendo DS or PSP??

    nintendo is a fuckin ugly looking shitbox designed for little kids who think yugioh is cool
  12. breaking

    Asking out help

    don't do it if you're ugly.
  13. breaking

    PS2 and laptop screen

    surely you can think of other ways to keep yourself other than a ps2 :rolleyes:
  14. breaking

    attn: ppl who go to ryde or baulhkam hills tafe

    obviously not :)
  15. breaking

    Little Britain - Yeah but no kthxbai
  16. breaking

    Year 12 PiCS

    jang = wanker
  17. breaking

    WHat to do at parties??!

    half a case? sorry, no deal :)
  18. breaking

    Have you ever done any sexual exploration with a member of the same sex?

    your a fucking idiot kill yourself tonight
  19. breaking

    WHat to do at parties??!

    from 1. LAN party A party where people bring their own computers, hook them up, and game all night long with eachother. Also involves mass comsumption of caffeine and junk food.
  20. breaking

    what's the G-O with my icons?

    yep that worked sunny, thanks! but now all my icons are like 16 colour or something =S like windows 95 hehe