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  1. U

    Yeah, tbh it depends on the individual and from what i can tell u should manage to ace the hsc

    Yeah, tbh it depends on the individual and from what i can tell u should manage to ace the hsc
  2. U

    Yeah it was MUCH harder than expected, tbh i found it harder than last years James Ruse paper...

    Yeah it was MUCH harder than expected, tbh i found it harder than last years James Ruse paper. Hopefully i gain some ranking cos i went into a tail spin after the half yearlies. For physics i know most of the dotpoints, not to the extent you do... I focused on Astro in the hols but still screwed...
  3. U

    CSSA advanced mathematics- dude wtf?!

    I said it to the guy who keeps telling everyone they are going to fail the hsc. Also it was to show people that as long as you try hard in the hsc anything is possible. My school is only ranked ~130, although i must admit for maths our ranking is really high, i think we came first in the state...
  4. U

    CSSA Modern History

    Just go over your notes. I havent touched history in 2 weeks, gonna be so screwed...
  5. U

    How was maths? Stressing for physics?

    How was maths? Stressing for physics?
  6. U

    CSSA advanced mathematics- dude wtf?!

    Dude the hsc is still to come! I know for a fact that at my school a lot of people have performed poorly in the trials only to ace the actual HSC (im talking about 88+!)
  7. U

    Those weird stapled writing booklets?

    I ripped mine out- With permission from the teacher of course (Y)
  8. U

    CSSA advanced mathematics- dude wtf?!

    I also got that! I thought it was too simple to be correct...
  9. U

    Derivative graphs hellpp!

    What about asymptotes??
  10. U

    Magnetic Flux vs. Time

    Agreed. Just sub the values into the formula -Wb/T, it will give you the graph!
  11. U

    James Ruse Trials 2009 + 2010

  12. U

    James Ruse Trials 2009 + 2010

    ahh Bummer That 2010 paper look a good paper, would have been nice to see what questions I got wrong. Thanks anway
  13. U

    Question about CSSA Modern History...

    Nope always 2 different
  14. U

    CSSA chemistry

    Crap another question i got wrong :/
  15. U

    James Ruse Trials 2009 + 2010

    Hey did you happen to find the solutions for James Ruse 2010? BTW thanks for the link/upload
  16. U

    Studying for Maths

    But if you take the time to learn your mistakes and understand it then isnt that just as good?
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    Studying for Maths

    2 words: Practice Papers
  18. U

    How will doing low scaling subjects affect my ATAR?

    Id say you would have to come first in everything and then KILL the externals
  19. U

    ...The Road Ahead

    Papers+reading one module per subject every day :D
  20. U

    Yeah we had an assessment which forced us to study the higher dotpoints :/ Im gonna go over all...

    Yeah we had an assessment which forced us to study the higher dotpoints :/ Im gonna go over all the dotpoints today and gonna try and do 2 CSSA and 1 independent paper. Ive done 3 independent so far, only some of the multiple choice is a bit challenging.