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  1. G

    What do you want to do after Year 12?

    hopefully i wana do Bachelor of Nursing in either australian catholic university or university of notre damm
  2. G

    nursing @ UWS

    hey i called today enquiring about the RET test in UWS they told me they doint do RET test anymore but one thing what is a test similar than RET isint it STAT test similar ? :confused:
  3. G

    Have you started studying for trials?

    yeah at the start of the school holidays i started actully studying especially im studying more to the subjects that i got low marks from but the problem is in chemistry i know the theory 100% but the problem is i need to know the formulas and answering the questions do you know where i can get...
  4. G

    universities artificialy inflating UAI cutoffs

    what about nursing whats the uai for nursing ? :bomb:
  5. G

    How do you study? What is your routine?

    40 min lol i pratically do 2 hours each subject and then have a rest for 30 min and then go back lol but oh well year 11 you know gets pretty hard if you doint catch up and update with your work. :)
  6. G

    Nursing '09

    Nursing '09 Who's aiming to get into nursing? me :wave: What Uni? University of Western Sydney Why? my brother is a regisitered nurse i pratically do Assistance in Nursing as a HSC course and i love it and my father have been encouraging me to do it Any experience? AIN student...
  7. G

    Chem Question

    it says that Name an example of a mixturein each of the spheres and state the components in that mixture Atmosphere Air Biosphere Lithosphere Hydropshere but i doint know the rest of the mixtures can you anyone help me please thank you:)
  8. G

    general UNSW chit-chat

    i have a question in Chemistry it says that Name an example of a mixturein each of the spheres and state the components in that mixture Atmosphere Air Biosphere Lithosphere Hydropshere but i doint know the rest of the mixtures can you anyone help me please thank you :cool: