Search results

  1. bubblesss

    Umat (HSC 2009 only)

    medentry seems like the best prep workshop after asking around to many people. when they start enrolling we can just get in contact and get a group discount coz its about $200 less.:rolleyes:
  2. bubblesss

    Umat (HSC 2009 only)

    hey guys, any1 planning to join me for the medentry workshops for next year so we could get a group discount??? if so just reply:D
  3. bubblesss

    2008 Preliminary Roll Call

    adv eng :mad1: 3u maths:confused: bio:) chem:) physics:bomb: anc hist:rofl:
  4. bubblesss

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: What UAI are you aiming for ? (09er's only) i'm aiming for 90 - 100 higher the better:D subjects: adv eng 3u maths bio chem phy anc hist