Search results

  1. L

    English trials?

    You can't get marked down for spelling in the HSC as long as they can understand what your trying to spell. But if you do misspell an authors name or a title wrong it won't give a very good impression.
  2. L

    English Extension 2

    This is to LoveHateSchool. Yes I would say the one your not that intrested in and don't spend as much time on or are getting the worst marks on. On the other hand modern is a VERY demanding subject and alot to remember, (not many band 6's are achieved)
  3. L

    English Extension 2

    It's totally different then ext 1. Were as ext 1 is more essays based, ext 2 is just a creative major work with a couple assesments about it. Film project? Thats what I'm doing currently sounds great! Its up to you whether you want to do ext 2 and I say go for it, doesnt matter about what your...