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  1. housah0lic

    Poetry by yoddle roflmao

    ahah what's going on
  2. housah0lic

    What have you eaten today?

    all bran i can't be bothered remembering so etc
  3. housah0lic


    yess someone else who hates starbucks fucking rubbish
  4. housah0lic

    What have you eaten today?

  5. housah0lic

    Do you smoke?

    can't post actual image Kate moss pirelli image by michelleplasencia on Photobucket
  6. housah0lic

    Do you smoke?

    ahah worst. i want to punch the girls from my school in the face that are like 15 who do this. often there is also a blue cruiser in the other hand. well me i first tried it when i was about 16 and hated it. then at about 17 i just did it when i was out at parties but never really become...
  7. housah0lic

    Formal Thread (pics, websites, ideas, thoughts)

    lol i used to love this style of shoe when i was in year10 wanted it desperately for my formal. am happy with what i wore, though.
  8. housah0lic

    embracing the pale

    pasty isn't nice? i love porcelain skin.
  9. housah0lic

    What have you eaten today?

    bowl of weetbix berry shit some sberry bites things muesli bar then i ate something on the way to school but can't remember what apple small ice choc large angus meal from mac's w/o sauce soy chai latte i think i ate more but can't remember hey
  10. housah0lic

    subway cookies :)

    oh waht!
  11. housah0lic

    What have you eaten today?

  12. housah0lic

    Rules for Customers

    seriously guys unpack your baskets if we're busy. it shits me when people just chuck their baskets down even though they had plentyyyyyyy of time to unpack. fuck. also, what is with the fucking trend of people getting me to put shit into plastics bags and then putting those bags in green...
  13. housah0lic

    What have you eaten today?

    apple apricot bites or something + mini muesli salami stick omg le rice bowl of rice few lollies hot chips 4 or 5 slices of pizza blergh
  14. housah0lic

    Anyone thinking of BAchelor of oral health nxt year?

    depends if you want to go into dentistry or not bro. but yeah i'm considering doing it as undergrad. apparently the minimum they accept is 70 but the average is around 85. also depends on the results of your PQA and interviews etc
  15. housah0lic

    First kiss ideas sydney

    prob worse than the original post tbh omg "never forget today" fuck lol
  16. housah0lic

    Are you allowed to give assessments after the trial?

    yes? i have one in four hours. :-(
  17. housah0lic

    Your First Ever Crush - Where Are They Now?

    idk hey wish i could remember his name at least - i was like 4? we went to pre-school together in punchbowl and wagged nap time to hang out in the playground. he had bad breath.
  18. housah0lic

    What have you eaten today?

    apple chinese: 1 duck pancake, 1 san chow bau thing, 1 quail, few pieces of sashimi, few bowls of fried rice + deep fried ice-cream some watermelon 4 rice cakes with new vegemite