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  1. N

    ROFFFLLL its because we are so awesome that we are both on this site. this is so amusing...

    ROFFFLLL its because we are so awesome that we are both on this site. this is so amusing, haha. how'd you find me?
  2. N

    BOW of 2009 : New Year, New Works :)

    Im doing a passive portrait of phsycologival illness linked with ego, the concious and subconcious. how when they come together. its pretty large and im working intencivly with chiaroascuro (oscuso and light), line and direction. the conclusion to do this was from a great life influence -...
  3. N

    Has music made you smarter?

    when i work i listen to classical music, this really makes me absorb what im doing and is really good because there are no lyrics to confuse the words and thoughs i have. after that its just a mass burst of hardcore music :) gotta love it.
  4. N

    What don't u like about the opposite sex !

    I so agree, its terrible and they look a bit weird, no affence - personal opinion.
  5. N

    What topic are you up to in the following subjects?

    just finnished straight-line graphs
  6. N

    Dealing with everything.HELP?

    its only year 11, haha and i sound wimpy, but half yearlys are coming up and i feel like everything has just hit me in the face at once. i would really love it if someone could give me some tips. to deal with my afternoons and how to productivly work and not get over whelmed, and surly others...