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  1. T

    B Commerce

    5 classes just opened up for management. Get in there guys! All for mondays though. It's probably got something to do with preventing overload on the system since its a popular course so they open them up gradually.
  2. T

    B Commerce

    Well fingers crossed its only a temporary error or issue cause when you look at the details for all the classes, there's heaps of Open ones, just that it says Closed and won't let you enrol.
  3. T

    B Commerce

    Whyyyyyyy. There's no way they're full. And some timetables posted on here have mgmt1001. :/ I emailed student central about it though. Hopefully they open up soon, or more classes open up.
  4. T

    B Commerce

    Is it only me that has ALL tuts for management closed?
  5. T

    Yeah, hu da fuq are you? :3

    Yeah, hu da fuq are you? :3