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  1. W

    Private school (Malek Fahd Islamic School) sends strugglers to TAFE

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH. yes very delayed, but that was jus hilarious
  2. W

    does ANYBODY enjoy their text for english?

    i agree 1 million percent. please chuck it out the window. Thats one less copy this world has to worry about. Emma is a bitch.
  3. W

    does ANYBODY enjoy their text for english?

    lol. i know what you mean. to my classmates im freakish because i enjoy english ... and books
  4. W

    Wordsworth and Malouf question

    yes malouf feels you need to immerse yourself in nature in order to connect with it. you can talk about those scenes were ovid becomes nature eg the pool of water or the moonlight. also maloufs portrayal of nature is more real than WW. "winter has been terrible beyond belief"... i think. more...