Also, later today, once I call the uni for assistance over my zpass login to work, will my classes that I chose for my timetable be reserved? Because I hope it does not all of a sudden become full!
Nothing happened :(
But I just want to make sure that since I have made my timetable and it is on ''pending'' atm, will I be saved into those subjects? Because I don't want to log in tomorrow (which I probably have to do) and find out my classes are full.
1) All of a sudden, I cannot log into my myUNSW account and I want to enrol to my courses. I have made a timetable, but they are pending. Will I still be saved into my courses just in case I still cannot get into my myUNSW account?? I was locked out and then I unlocked, and it still did not...
Re: Want to know if you made it into your preferred UNSW course before official offer
I called UNSW and i asked the same question, the lady told me it is not actually full, they leave it saved and then opened once main round offers are released. :)
Oh wait I called UNSW and the lady helped me out :) Man it's quite difficult to sort this all out to be honest!
I went on the above link and I was told this is the semester one class and the options that say ''full'' are not actually full as...
Well from what I am aware of from the link that tells you your course before tonight, I was accepted into B Media (Communications and Journalism)
However, I am not sure what to do from there
I went on this link
and it's really confusing and some classes are already 100% full what??
And from what I understand we should be making our timetables pretty quick to get what we want?
Also, where is a link that shows exactly how to do this all...
Re: Want to know if you made it into your preferred UNSW course before official offer
Oh right! Im so sorry for being a hassle, i went on another site and it was the wrong one!! But i understand, thanks
Re: Want to know if you made it into your preferred UNSW course before official offer
Do you mean the identity manager? And no it did not say wrong information (if it did, where is it meant to say it?)
But yay, I have an offer? :) Are we allowed to see what offer without accepting anything yet?
Re: Want to know if you made it into your preferred UNSW course before official offer
Alright then, I went on this link from the OP which is myUNSW Portal
and i signed in and I don't know where it has info for offers? Can someone please tell me what I have to do now to check if i have an offer?
Re: Want to know if you made it into your preferred UNSW course before official offer
So basically this whole thing doesn't work and we all have to wait till tomorrow anyway?
Re: Want to know if you made it into your preferred UNSW course before official offer
@injust could you just make another one and it may come up again?