push through the pain, don't make ur writing completely neat and tidy, just make it eligible.
I tend to write 6-7pages and get 95+ in most essay based examinations
know what ur writing and write it fast
memorizing it is the key to success
Ok, basically i've been told by a few mates that when someone achieves a band 6 in 10u of study they recieve a premier's award...
Is this true?
and what the award called?
look, first off, you want to do at least 30-50hours just so you're able to pass your test, because believe it or not - it is tough
in regards to faking it, just put in a few each hours here and there throughout the year - therefore they won't tell.
Just make it look realistic..
and yes they...
Heya, just curious..
i'm doing hsc soon... Doing year 11 at the moment - i'm doing fine.
Just curious, will drinking alcohol (getting drunk), say every second weekend, give u a disability among other classmates in learning
Hey ther...
Basically i've done fairly well in my assignments/exams so far... 87%+ in all exams, except recently i got back an exam where i only got 60% for english adv back resulting in me being a very low rank in the year for that current exam- it was only worth 10% though...
Just curious...
Just curious... I'm sleeping from like 930 - 10pm...
just wondering what's the best way to be able to stay up later (till midnightish) and not be tired in the morning so i can work well at school...
Any advice?
Ok so at the moment am doing:
Adv English
Extension English
Extension Maths
Business Studies
2u Studies of Religion
Just curious if it's a good option to either go to ext 2 maths and keep all my subjects at the moment, or drop business studies and go to ext 2 maths.
Or just keep...