Does anyone have any related texts which have linkage to Judith Wright? My teacher said that perhaps an aboriginal poem would be good, but is afraid an aboriginal poem may not have enough complexity.
I've solved it, for i) at least. Wouldn't hurt for someone to check my ii) answer. Sorry, I can't write it in fancy mathematical format on the forums (as I for one cannot be bothered) so I will post my working via photos:
Above is a question from my school's 2013 trial paper. Maxima and minima would have to be my worst topic, and I can't figure out this question. The question is only worth 3 marks, so I assume it's not THAT difficult, but nonetheless I am...
I already have an epic though, I believe that's classified as poetry... a speech is interesting though. Do you have any ideas for a speech with aspects of discovery? That'd be unique for sure, don't know of anyone in my class doing something like that!
I wanted to use a song to add some variety to my list of texts. I currently have a non-fiction novel, short story, epic and film. If you have a good suggestion of another form of text that would add a different dynamic to my portfolio I would love to hear it!
I have scoured some HSC discovery websites in search of songs that have linkage to discovery, but to no avail. I was wondering if anyone has an audio text (preferably a song) that has links to discovery? I figured it would be more useful to post here than to arbitrarily looks for songs online...
This is for an assignment, not for an exam. Does this change your opinion on the detail? My teacher has expressed that this is the format she would like to see the response in, and thus I have continued with it even with your recommendation not to.
This is my response to the second source, like before, any constructive criticism is welcomed!
Source C
Source C is a primary source. It is an extract from a speech by British Prime Minister Lloyd George, reported in the London newspaper The Times on the 29th of March 1918. This was a pivotal...
I understand what you are saying here, but my teacher has a template that she got from one of the head HSC markers when she went to one of their conferences. The templates goes:
Source A is a (primary/secondary) source. It is a (cartoon, diary entry, speech extract, photograph, table of...
Here is my draft response to the first source, any constructive criticism is welcomed!
"Source B is a secondary source. It is an extract from J.H. Allsopp & H.R. Cowie’s Challenge and Response: A History of the Modern World, Melbourne written in 1981 where the authors have made a critical...
The two sources that I am not too sure on what I should elaborate on are:
"An extract from J.H. Allsopp & H.R. Cowie’s Challenge and Response: A History of the
Modern World, Melbourne, 1981.
The blockade of European ports by the British and French navies forced
Germany into making...