Ich höre gern die Gruppe "Ich und Ich." 'Stark' ist ein tolles Lied! 'Vom Selbem Stern' ist auch gut.
Ich finde die Toten Hosen kommisch, aber ich höre oft "10 kleine Jägermeister"- Der Songtext ist total seltsam!
If I were writing on this, I would probably focus on nationalism and life in the nazi state. Anti Semitism does come into it, but if I were doing it, I would only do a small amount on it.
Sit down with the syllabus and just go 4 it! Get all the notes u can, plus textbooks and start making up notes. It isn't 2 late 2 get ur summaries completed 4 the trials
3 maths tests, a physics test, a chem test and my HX major work. And thats just 4 the end of this term!
I've got another 3 assessment tasks due in in the 1st week of term 3
Have a look at the syllabus. Essentially, the project aims at addressing the what is history part of the course. The syllabus should give u some guide 2 what ur supposed 2 do.
If I were doing this, I would do it this way. In the body, At least one paragraph on the nature of the controversial...
I know ppl who've repeated Y12, and they'vce been fine with it. Some hav also done pathways, and hav also been fine with that. Repeating is not the end of the world, and, although it will take longer, u can still get where u want 2 go in the big scheme of things...
My Logbook is Due June 18 (we need 2 prove we've actually done the work and not ripped some1 elses)
My project is due July 2
Almost finished mine, just got the annotated biblio 2 go, and some tidying up of paragraphs
The funny thing is that basically every1 screws up Y11 because it is such a big step up from Y10. Ppl generally don't start going with studying and doing well until about Term 4...
For example, my marks weren't wanted in Y11, but they picked up substantially in Y12! Just use the year to get...
We did a very similar AOS to Identity in Y11 called 'Outsiders'
I think its possible 2 use the song "Scar" by Missy Higgins for a related text. Would've said Frankenstein, but its one of the texts set 4 the Comparative Study...
It could be a stretch but Heart of Darkness and Brave New World...
Yeah, a decent Careers Advisor would be good. Mine told me in 06 that I should do Work Experience at Target... Some ppl are just so helpful aren't they? (Haven't neen back since...)
Junior school doesn't bother me 2 much. I think it would b good if Y12 didn't hav 2 attend assembly tho
Lol, Physics has turned around from the subject that I was definitely going 2 drop 2 the subject that I'm definitely going 2 keep! There's nothing like feeling an entire range of emotions for subjects!
In my opinion, I think Physics teachers know their field, but just can't explain things to the class.
To overcome this, what I do is I get my physics teacher to look over my notes to see if I'm doing the right thing! She writes some really helpful comments in my work!!!