Hi There,
Thanks again for the replies!
Now allow me to embarass myself even more here. How do I incorproate the summation part from 0 to infinity?
I am looking at the last (right most) expression provided. I would envision "a" to be "4Dt" and my particular integration limits are...
Hi There,
Thank you for the response.
This is the closest I could find:
<IMG class=tex alt="\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-ax^2}\,dx=\sqrt{\pi \over a} \quad (a>0)" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/1/8/a/18a83a3854b2ea8758e38ce615ee33a4.png">
But I can't see how I could use this...
Can someone please help me integrate the following Gaussian function (the
function represents an impurity distribution profile in semiconductor
where Rs is the sheet resistance we're ultimately after, and its a function
of the impurity concentration N(x) from 0 to x