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  1. A

    integration of exponentials (Gaussian distribution)

    Hi There, Thanks again for the replies! Now allow me to embarass myself even more here. How do I incorproate the summation part from 0 to infinity? I am looking at the last (right most) expression provided. I would envision "a" to be "4Dt" and my particular integration limits are...
  2. A

    integration of exponentials (Gaussian distribution)

    Hi There, Thank you for the response. This is the closest I could find: <IMG class=tex alt="\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-ax^2}\,dx=\sqrt{\pi \over a} \quad (a>0)" src=""> But I can't see how I could use this...
  3. A

    integration of exponentials (Gaussian distribution)

    Hello! Can someone please help me integrate the following Gaussian function (the function represents an impurity distribution profile in semiconductor processing): where Rs is the sheet resistance we're ultimately after, and its a function of the impurity concentration N(x) from 0 to x Rs...