I did the same. Completely forgot about the whole contribution part and just detailed the entirety of that experiment... O__O I should have said that more about the contribution I reckon.
Bow down to you dude. I haven't got a clue about that... I just talked some bullshit about photoreceptor to horizontal to bipolar to amacrine to ganglion and then to the brain... And just expanded on that for a page.... Sad... I know. I'm going to get 3 for that or less....
Kudos to you...
Are we being serious? If we are... then my god I'm doomed...
Communications I found had the freaking stupidest long response. I failed miserable in the 6 markers.
Really? Really? You make me feel so hopeful right now. Although I did crap in externals, maybe I still have a chance.
And thanks for the hugs! Really appreciated. :)
btw, is that eunji on your profile pic thing? If it is, I guess I see a kpop fan! Kpop>Studying right now.... Should change...
I'm sorry it's like that for you. My parents are very supportive as in they comfort me when I do badly. And they always just tell me to do my best. But you know, it's not all bad. You don't have to get 99.95 to get to where you need. For med, everyone thinks that's what you need but it's no...
Yeah it's somewhere in the top 25, I think... I'm not really up with the times but should be early 20s...
But I don't know... f-ed the externals so bad. Shoulda studied more...
I was ranked:
1/10 for IPT
1/97 for Maths
2/60 for Chem
3/150 for English Advanced
5/37 for Biology
18/94 for Maths Extension
18/54 for English Extension.
I did pretty bad in the extension, don't think they are gonna count. But since I stuffed up English advanced in external maybe it...
I am soooooooooooo glad... and sympathetic (cause that would mean you guys are feeling as crap as me) that you all feel the same way. It's like a freaking nightmare. I feel good about a test. come home. Look at this and... just count off the marks in my head.
Chem... was the most disappointing...
I feel like I've done all this hard core studying and then when I look over my exams after I've finished them, I'm counting at least 20 marks off for every single paper.
I do English, English Ext, Mathematics, Maths Ext, Chem, Bio, IPT
Haven't done the last two. What is the atar...
I didn't read the appreciation bit! I wrote all about ambition. But I never once mentioned appreciation!!!! I just wrote about how it is trying to warn society of the consequences of ambition and i did comparison. But I never said anything about comparison! How much do you think I can get for...
I didn't read the appreciation bit! I wrote all about ambition. But I never once mentioned appreciation!!!! I just wrote about how it is trying to warn society of the consequences of ambition and i did comparison. But I never said anything about comparison! How much do you think I can get for...
I have studied Mrs Dalloway and Eliot's poems so far and now I have to do a creative piece on a stimulus which will be given during the exam. Its around 50 mins long and that means I definitely have to prepare then twist into the stimulus. But I have no ideas for this story! None at all...