Hello. Ive finished the first draft (about 8200 words) of my short story. Only problem is im not sure if its quite up to scratch, so im gonna have to cut a LOT :(
James Ruse is the hardest selective school to get into in the state. So wouldnt that mean that it contains on average the brightest pupils every year, and does the best in the state? I mean, sure it cheats by going ahead. But who cares, all that means is that the kids are bright enough.
I'm doing 14 units? Its because our school doesnt allow you to do less than 12 units. And we dont offer subjects that scale badly. So all the kids do subjects that mostly have extensions and seriously, the difference between say latin and latin extension or classical greek and classical greek...
Hahaha I agree completely with Obamas comments on the Iraq war. And Obama wins on every level. Better domestic policy, better foreign policy, more racially tolerant, smarter (did well at harvard rather than failing maths), in charge of a country that people give a shit about. And he hasnt even...
haha the "anomalous stuff" is just people bitching about getting a shit mark for a shit piece of work they thought was good. As long as my 2 and 3 unit englishes score above 95 and 48, as im pretty sure they will, it shouhld be a scaled 50. dp, its a sure 50, ok?
Re: Drugs kill daughter, parents blame unscrupulous people for taking advantage of he
Of all the friends i have who've taken pingers, nothing bad's happened so far. I stand by my belief that the most dangerous drugs are the legal ones of smoking and alcohol that cause more deaths than any...
Nu-uh, dp. a raw 50 in Eng4 to get scaled will depend on your other 2 and 3 unit english marks. And im pretty sure i'll get 49 or 50 in 3 unit, so it'll get scaled to a 50. woo! free 50!
Sure english teachers can teach. I havent really had a bad one yet. Just ones that i thought were bad at the time, but looking back on it thats because i either didnt like them or got bad exam results with them. If theres at least one person in the class who did well, it means the teachers good...
Dude, four unit english. Because the class just gets told mostly to "do their own independent work" which translates as people actually getting out of the room and wandering around playing games.
Dude 3maths 4eng for the win. And Dp, English4 doesnt scale well at ALL, but it doesnt need to. It's easy enough if your gifted at creatives to get 50 without that much effort. Its basically a free 50 scaled for the UAI.
I reckon dentistry would just be so tedious. Seriously, after a couple of years you'd have seen it all. Plus its a shitty environment to work all day in a dentists room.