I only found out with second round offers that i was moving the ACT aswell. Very late minute thing, Only have a temporary last minute room to stay in.
Very nervous and exiting at the same time
Ive got a problem, too many options to choose from.
My ultimate goal is to get into architecture at Newcastle or UTS but as i didn't get a high enough ATAR here are my options.
1. Architectural Technology Diploma at TAFE- Two year course, get straight into 2nd year architecture, its at...
Yes, im shitting bricks atm waiting for second round offers :S.
what paper did u see this in because i went to the ourimbah open day and found out the news?
i currently work in a bottle shop, Very very good job, great hours, great owners,managements emplyees. I have had experience working bars at weddings and functions which is also fairly good, set wages for these events but the tips are great, and people say a friendly smile and a good attitude...
as i didn't gain the mark i needed for uni and insearch said i would need to complete a further 4 semesters with them im going the tafe way. are their any other people doing the same? im going to newcastle tafe or ultimo im on the standbye list.
Theirs alot of sledging going on here.
im a captain at my school "was".
My system was to elect the leaders through speeches then we have a second round between the winners to vote and see who gets what.
Their was alot of work involved it was no cake walk. Missing classes, lost work. spending...
I thought it was a really good test.
I ran out of time at the end so i defiantly missed out on four marks, but i thought i killed it.
The Two point perspective was challenging and section I pretty much straight from the Syllabus. I was the only one in my class to stay to the end :S.
HSC online has ALOT of usefull information reguarding Section I.
ITs a bit late now to study though.
Good Luck everyone.
last test :D
going to hit up the pub afterwards Woo
sounds awsome, looking back on it should of done some thing like that.
i Re-designed my school, serveral new building, layouts, landscapes etc. i did both plans and 3d models and walkthroughs.. way to much effort.
sorry about the late comment aha
and this later one ha