if you called at 3.00am i would
[x] smile cause your cute and i want to talk to you
[x] ignore the call
[x] answer the call and talk to you
[ ] be like how do you have my number? and r u drunk dialing?
if we walked home together i would
[x] push you over and probably laugh
[x] stare at you...
thanks so much for the info guys! i'm loving economics more with each minute that passes :P just need to allocate a set time (free periods) to do economics research! Yay!
Hi guys, I was just wondering which of the tutoring colleges for UMAT Medentry, F2F, Matrix and Medstart you found most helpful in terms of personal coaching and tuition? I've heard great reviews for F2F and Medentry, but I'm still considering.
if you looked at the leading edge holiday workshops thread: http://community.boredofstudies.org/showthread.php?t=265180&p=5539750
determine stated that his friends didn't find them helpful. Thinking that maybe the leading edge tuition may just be a repeat of the textbook :( what i need is essay...
thanks so much for the info! just out of interest - did you know anyone that went to the economics tutoring at leading edge, and whether it was good? And also - for economics in regards to studying and essays, was it just keeping up to date with concepts learnt in class, finding examples of them...
Hi guys, I'm looking to start economics tutoring for Year 12, and was wondering if there were any tutoring colleges or private tutors that people recommend.
I know of Leading Edge Education run by Tim Dixon (author of Australia in the Global Economy) in Town Hall, but I've never tried it, so...
know any textbooks apart from creative economics that target essay writing, plans, skills directly correlated to the syllabus? also - is creative economics a good textbook compared to dixon and riley?
thanks so much for your tip - i will definitely look out for independent research this year. Did you do this on a regular basis, let's say set a specific time for this research, and was it related to the course material that you were studying at that time? or did you just research statistics and...
Hi guys, I've just started year 12, and I was just wondering for those of you who have done the HSC already and/or have subscribed to the SMH and the economist, do you think that these subscriptions are worthwhile, and how did they help you, aside from statistics - concept building?
Thank you!