Every question is boring me to tears . so repetitive, can you suggest any good binomial, probability and such questions that I can practice and learn off.
re: HSC Chemistry Marathon Archive
HCL and H2SO4 are stronger acids and are most likely to fully ionise in water however Acetic Acid is a weak acid as it only partially ionises in water. Distinguishing the Ph levels between Hydrogen Chloride and Sulfuric Acid H2So4 will be higher in Ph as it is...
Basically I have nothing to give on the two exams besides the creative and the short answers. Do I memorise generic essays or quotes/techniques however I have basically lost most of my knowledge on all texts in which I believe only the generic essays could be the only route. thanks
These two questions particularly the last part of the top question and all of the second
EDIT: Just the second question.
The furthest I can go is that it is the same intersection as with y=x
e^(2-x)=y and
but e^2-x=x is the same as e^2-y=x P.O.I
e^2-X - X=0 e^2-X =X which is...
parabola begins after leaving tube. D= sqrt{3}/2 L + usqrt{3}/2 t ... y=L/2+ u/2 t -1/2 gt^2... put =0 then solve by quadratic formula to find t then sub back into formula for D .. is that right ? so much algebra
Hi, I have an examination on Velocity/acceleration/displacement , simple harmonic motion, projectile motion. I was wondering if anyone knew of any more challenging questions because the ones I have found in past trials, hsc and assessment papers have all been pretty much repetitive and my maths...