my frend told me you get extra UAI in his school if you come first.
is this possible?
the same guy told me theres a guy he knows thats doin som sort of army training thing for extra uai (and his aiming to go to med)...
is this bs or is there such thing?
thanks. :)
i know thread reviving is bad
but my bro goes to st. francis xavier
and it says in that list that over 2000 sat for the exams in that school...
as far as i know theres been only about 500 year 12 students last year.. and over 200 DA doesnt make sense...
is that info wrong?
hi every1.
questions to people in uni out there:
1. how often/long did u study wen you attended school?
2. how did you study? (any tips?)
3. wat UAI did you get?
thanks for ur time :)
true/honest answers wud be appreciated
o i see :D
well, thing is, i wanna study medicine not cuz its impressive cuz i am more confident on wat needs to be studied in the area (altho it will be very very hard work).
the law path is wat i would prefer if wat i was good at had nothing to do with my decision, as i love arguing and...
Hey all.
I am currently a year 10 student with big dreams :(
I am wanting to go off to uni after year 12 to study Law or Medicine.
Although i do top the class and get A's in most subjects, i always think its not enough to achieve my dreams.
For my new years resolution, i have promised myself to...