I had no idea that my previous year 12 in 2003 would have any effect on doing the HSC now and getting a Limited UAI.
I was of the opionon that with a Limited UAI, you can't accumulate it and you have to sit the end of year HSC exams at the same time.
I didn't know that if you had more than 9...
Thanks for your replies again.
I have looked at alternative entry methods of getting into University which may be suitable but I am sort of more determined to re-do the hsc and get at least a reasonable mark (at least good enough to get into uni), if not a great mark, as the marks in my 2003...
Thanks for your replies.
The reason I am asking is I previously did year 11 and year 12 a couple of years ago and now I am looking at repeating Year 12 to get a Limited UAI to go to Uni. I'm just wondering whether I should repeat year 11 and year 12 to attempt to get a good UAI or if year 11...
So if I complete year 11 to get into year 12 but my marks in year 11 are miserable, it won't matter towards the calculation of my UAI because it is all based on year 12 results?
I'm looking at repeating year 12 and getting a limited UAI. It says on the Newcastle Uni website that the limited UAI is not suitable for entrance into "Graduate law". Can someone enlighten me as to what exactly graduate law is?
I'm looking at getting a limited UAI and then hopefully getting...
Pretty basic question.
Does any part of year 11 including assignments and assessments count towards the calculation of the UAI or is it all to do with year 12 subjects?