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  1. C


    I DO I DO I DOOooooooooo yepyep and busted and mcfly and fightstar and SOD lolololol everyone who pays em out can go die =)
  2. C

    Art critic/ art historian

    Hey can someone please tell me what they do? and is it possible to be in more then one role without hindering the obligations of another? THank you
  3. C

    Ebnf And Bnf

    Hi can someone please show examples of these and show loops and randoms? Ive got my yearly prelims tomorrow and i just dont get how it works :( my books making it UNNECESSARILY HARD
  4. C

    English Tutor Needed

    UMmmmm welll you know i am quite the smart cookie =D D: i came looking for black chicks talking quotesssss but i cantt find it its due wednesdaay D;