Its great to know there have been 'real' people in my position and not just the hypothetical ones Peter mentions in lectures. He knows alot but tries to teach undergrads abit more then they shoud have to know.
Cyan and Skittled if you guys have any advice on how to study to pass this unit it...
Hey Everyone,
Thanz heaps for the introduction it was great to get all your support... I hope to meet you all possibly next semester as being a transfer student going straight into third year is a little more difficult in fitting in.
Neways I am looking to do the Social unit and 332...
Hey Macquarie psych students,
Just wondering people past and present I guess that have done 300 level psych units... which would you recommend? I transfered from another uni and have to make up a psy237 (as i didn't do it at my old uni), so I don't know many people other than a few 2nd yrs, so...