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  1. chaarii

    Was it ok if u disagreed with section 3's statement?

    I disagreed, I pretty much just stated that while it could help, its not the only thing that contributes to the progression or success of an inner journey, that it was really a combination of a variety of factors. The rest of my essay went on to describe these 'other factors.' Eh, if I did...
  2. chaarii

    Who's doing what modules?

    Cosi - AOS Komninos - Briar Rose - The Truman Show -
  3. chaarii

    Black body HELP!

    Hey I don't know if this answers your questions, I just copied and pasted from my physics notes lol.. sorry if it doesn't. Hope it helps! Black Body · One which absorbs all incoming radiation · Energy spread throughout the object · As they absorb radiation...
  4. chaarii

    Christian Bioethics

    SOR1 actually lolol. According to my teacher, band 6-worthy essays needed to include as many bioethical issues as possible, differing views between variants (although they're usually the same, but you need to state that) and quotes from like, the Catholic Catechism and other such of...
  5. chaarii

    Is anyone elses class falling behind?

    We're about a third of the way through our final module (Option Topic: Shipwrecks, Corrosion and Conservation) - our teacher is aiming to have it done by trials
  6. chaarii

    Preventing Rust

    Describe possible future directions for preventing rust I only seem to be able to find current technologies - (hot-dip galvanising, electro-galvanising, passivating etc.) but nothing about what they're thinking of doing in the future. Help please?
  7. chaarii

    What are your cumulative/rankings so far and what is your aim by the end of the year?

    1/46 SOR 1/9 Modern History 3/6 Physics 4/6 Chemistry 7/49 Standard English 7/17 Mathematics 9/23 Biology Ha that's what I get for stuffing up my science prac assessments. Oh well, it'll do me =]
  8. chaarii

    What topic are you up to in the following subjects?

    Physics -> Done the three core topics, up to option: From quanta to quarks or whatever its called. Chem -> Finishing 'Chemical Monitoring and Management' this week and starting the option next week Bio-> Communications Maths -> we've done 5 topics and only just started the next one :read:
  9. chaarii

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Medical science and eventually medicine- pediatrics... hopefully I've had my mind made up since I was 6.. haha kinda lame but true. Getting there is a different story altogether though.
  10. chaarii

    Christian Bioethics

    We covered pretty much all the issues.. Euthenasia & Life Support Palliative Care Abortion Contraception Suicide Stem Cell Research Sterilisation IVF And then linked these to bible scriptures, the Chatechism of the Catholic Church and the variation of opinions between different variants...
  11. chaarii

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Friday 17th Oct --> English 1 Monday 20th Oct --> English 2 Friday 24th Oct --> Biology Monday 27th Oct --> Maths Tuesday 28th Oct --> Modern History Friday 31st Oct --> SOR1 Tuesday 4th Nov --> Physics Thursday 6th Nov --> Chem ... Not too bad. The trial timetable is worse though I reckon.
  12. chaarii

    You *know* you're a physics nerd when...

    When a train or car brakes hard, you get thrown forward, and the first words out of your mouth are "Damn Inertia!" When your friend asks you to turn the fans on, you reply that you can explain exactly how that works and launch into a discussion about motors and how they work When your...
  13. chaarii

    sleep deprivation for HSC students

    5 hours =] But I've slept for this time for approx three or so years now. So its nothing new
  14. chaarii

    Horizontal/Vertical Velocity - Help?!

    Argh! I get it!! Thankyou so much! Legend to the maxx!! Your my new best friend LOL Thanks again!!
  15. chaarii

    Horizontal/Vertical Velocity - Help?!

    A projectile is fired at a velocity of 50ms-1 at an angle of 30 degreest to the horizontal. Determine the range of the projectile.. I don't seem to be able to get any of the equations right, I don't think I'm subbing the right numbers into the right places... Any help is appreciated...