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  1. I

    gap year- tips 4 preparing 4 outdoor rec in canada

    It has finally been made final that i will be doin outdoor rec in canada next year!!!!! :D just wonderin if any1 has any tips for what to expect of canada, and if possible, what its like doin outdoor rec over there. also, if any1 could suggest what part of canada would be best to go to that...
  2. I

    Volunteering overseas

    im doin outdoor recreation in canada next year with latitude. goin 2 b awesome!! but yeah unfortunately u wont b able to apply 4 next year. wat u could do though if u r goin to uni is do ur uni course 4 the first year, and then deferr and go overseas.
  3. I

    possible gap year options

    hey every1, In 2009 i thinkin of doin a gap year. At first i was thinkin of goin over to WA(western australia for those who dont no), but im thinkin of other places overseas, preferably some where that has a warm climate and has a coastline cos i'm mainly a outdoorsy type of person. If any1...