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    does doing standard english mean my life is screwed?

    im doin standard english...nd i hav all intentions of goin to uni to do primary skool teaching. standard english can take u just as far...u just have to appliy urself good luk mate cactcha xoxoxox
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    subject choosing issues

    hey i dnt do business studys but my mates do, nd they are alwayssaying how hard it is even tho they are interested in it...but if ur confident that u wana do it then go for it.... wat else is on your line of bussiness studys? xoxo ashee
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    Raw Notes & Suggestions for Related Texts

    hey, "shawshank redeption" is a great related text, as is "green mile." if u dont want to annalys an entire movie just about everyday you can find related material in relation to Raw in the daily telegraph.
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    wizard of oz ,....imaginative or physical

    im thinking of doin wizard of oz as realted text for an essay but dont no if its classified as immaginative or physical??? also open for suggestion of other related text....:angry: thanks :cool:
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    wizard of oz ,....imaginative or physical

    im thinking of doin wizard of oz as realted text for an essay but dont no if its classified as immaginative or physical??? also open for suggestion of other related text....:angry: thanks :cool:
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    wizard of oz imaginative or physical?

    im doing physical journeys and thort of doin the wizard of oz ad realted text but its an immaginative journey, would i get away with calling it a physical journey?:karate: ?????????