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  1. P

    Selling textbook for math2089

    Applied statistics for Engineers and Scientists - Second edition In perfect condtion and comes with student solutions manual and CD. $75
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    Start 1st or 8th?

    I am in 2nd year engineering and last year we had this week zero thing and I heard there isnt for 2nd year, so I am not sure when our lectures start. Someone clarify this for me thankss
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    passing mats1101

    I chose this subject for sem2 and I have no chemistry background at all..should i stil give it ago?
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    Is this course relatively difficult cuz I am going to take this course during summer school and it says the lectures are through distant delievery VISTA and I am not keen about it :confused:
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    Downloading from uniwide, few questions...

    i was there today and got around 400kbps as well :burn:
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    Downloading from uniwide, few questions...

    Re: 回复: Downloading from uniwide, few questions... I am yet to find any spare ethernet port thats activated. whats happens if i pull one of the ethernet cables out from the computers and plug in mine? where at?
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  8. P

    So... all ready for tomorrow?

    also had a great teacher i am ready for it
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    Are we required to know how to write algorithms for like selection sort, insertion sort, bubble sort, etc?? i'm finding it hard to write up a selection sort
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    help with heisenberg and pauli

    oops this is from quanta to quarks
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    help with heisenberg and pauli

    assess the contributions made by heisenberg and pauli to the development of atomic theory - 5 marks can someone explain the contributions made by heisenberg with his uncertainty principle to the development of atomic theory? kk thx
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    Do you enjoy doing SDD?

    dota +1
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    chinese beginners

    so whose doing it?