Search results

  1. L

    Which Uni is best for media and communications?

    You obviously know NOTHING, absolutely nothing about the media industry. It is a nationally outstanding course and has an excellent industry reputation. You say that they all end up at "local", "country bumpkin" stations?" Hahahahaha. Your asinine comment is so far from the truth it is...
  2. L

    CSU for journalism?

    Hey! I am in my second year of journalism degree at CSU Bathurst...half way through my degree actually! I absolutely love it..completely worthwhile. As a city girl from Sydney, I thought twice about moving to the country....but since I've got here I haven't looked back. Living on-campus is...
  3. L

    Which Uni is best for media and communications?

    Charles Sturt Uni has a great reputation for their advertising degree. You should look it up....I know people that are enrolled in it now and love it. Here's the link to info about advertising at CSU: Bachelor of Communication (Advertising) at Charles Sturt University
  4. L

    Which Uni is best for media and communications?

    Depends what branch you wanna do in media and Journalism, Advertising, PR etc...but the best unis that have the best industry reputations are UTS and CSU. Got told by many people at News Limited during work experience that Syd Uni's course is far too theory based, and lacks...
  5. L

    Csu - journalism

    Hi Rachel :) I am a second year Journo student at CSU. Firstly, let me tell you that I thought of the same questions as you when I was in year 12. To be honest, I didn't think I would get in because sooo many people kept telling me it was too competitive. But nonetheless, you have to have a...
  6. L

    Charles Sturt Bathurst - Students of 2010

    hey :) as far as I know, they don't have auditions... i didn't have an audition or interview for my application. regarding work experience, i know it can be incredibly daunting to enter real-life journo places... i still feel anxious myself! haha. but i would suggest you at least go to one or...
  7. L

    Charles Sturt Bathurst - Students of 2010

    I am just saying that its becoming more and more competitive each year, which means a lot more people are continuing to apply to csu for journalism. Work experience is what sets people apart from other people.... shows that you have made the effort to get a kick start in learning about the...
  8. L

    Charles Sturt Bathurst - Students of 2010

    I am a second year Journo student :) Just letting you know there's more than just having a decent atar and a good application essay. There's also work experience - that sets you apart from the rest of the cohort who apply because it shows you have initiative and interest in journalism! And I...
  9. L

    Journalism at CSU Bathurst

    Chris Mcgillion is intimidating the first time you meet him! He's straight to the point, which is scary, but also good at the same time because you need someone realistic like him to motivate you. Like, he said when I first met him to our journo cohort: "20 of you will have amazing jobs that...
  10. L

    Journalism at CSU Bathurst

    Hey there, I am a second yr Journo student at CSU! I had exactly the same questions as you last yr.... I'll try and answer them as best as possible :) 1) Generally there are no journalism exams... with the exception of a grammar test and getting accessed for practical assessments, e.g. in the...
  11. L

    Charles Sturt Bathurst - Students of 2010

    Yeh I sure do... do journo. :) I got in the early round last yr too haha. It's pretty good... i love it! You get quite a bit of practical opportunities which is good, considering you're only a first yr. You get to go on the radio and read/write a story in the last semester, for example :) plus...
  12. L

    Charles Sturt Bathurst - Students of 2010

    I haven't lived in New Res before but I've heard from people that have lived there that its heaps good! Lotsa social life and opportunities for social activity, haha! Don't be nervous, don't worry... you will meet heaps of people and make heaps of friends from the dorms... I used to be anxious...
  13. L

    Charles Sturt Bathurst - Students of 2010

    Hahaha looks like I will be seeing some of you first years this yr! I am gunna be in new res at Bathurst too, only I am a second yr :)
  14. L

    Charles Sturt Bathurst - Students of 2010

    You'll get an email in January some time as to the dorm details etc :)
  15. L

    Accommodation at Bathurst

    I haven't lived in the cottages, but I can tell you from when I have been inside them, that they are by far the most attractive compared to other places offered on campus. Very modern, have own bar fridge in each room with net cable for laptop etc. Just make sure you apply for it asap coz its a...
  16. L

    bachelor of communications media arts a production 2010

    CSU has a more practical course for those that are serious about pursuing a course in journalism. From the very first year, students are put into practical work - newsroom, the radio that is run oncampus, uni magazine and this is incorporated into their subject grades. Many unis that offer...
  17. L

    bachelor of communications media arts a production 2010

    I had an argument to prove, so I had to use names. Oh, and btw I didn't go to that much effort - just a click of a button. Their names were all listed on channel websites and wikipedia.
  18. L

    bachelor of communications media arts a production 2010

    That's the best you can say... 'I need a life'? I'm pretty sure I have a life... don't know about you though. Anyways, I've had a think about why you would make such a dumb statement, and I've come to the conclusion that its just because I can/could justify my argument, considering you had none!
  19. L

    bachelor of communications media arts a production 2010

    No actually, the Editorial Manager at News Limited in Sydney told myself and a cohort of students in a work experience journalism program last year that the two best places were UTS and CSU for journalism. So I am sorry, but I am going to trust someone who has been in the media industry for...