Search results

  1. J

    latest PC games you recomend!

    The Orange Box (5 games in 1:uhhuh:). S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl. Unreal Tournament III.
  2. J

    Supp Texts - Inner

    These are the ones I plan on using (core text is 'My Place'): Films: 'Life is Beautiful' or 'Crash' (can't decide, help me out). Song Lyrics (Because we don't get beaten): 'Kenji' By 'Fort Minor'. And a novel... It was going to be 'Old Man and The Sea' but I can't think how it relates to my...
  3. J

    does ANYBODY enjoy their text for english?

    If only... That or Monty Python.
  4. J

    How Much Study Should You Do Every Night?

    I do about 2 hours a night if lucky. Last year I did hardly any and it really showed.
  5. J

    does ANYBODY enjoy their text for english?

    I am not too fond of 'My Place'. Which is probably why I spent all of my reading time during the holidays with '1984' and 'Catch 22'.