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  1. M

    English EXT

    reading: king lear
  2. M

    AREA OF STUDY :identity

    have a speech due on the 27 must find a related text must relate to our core text: catcher in they rye im a quick reader a book like that would normally take me a couple of hours max this book has taken me 6 days i cannot stand it it is the most boring annoying monotonous book ever...
  3. M

    prerequisite or not

    ive always been interested in going into medicine wheni leave school im going to do either a bachelor of medical science bachelor of medical science and surgery or a bachelor of medicine are these the right courses to do if i was thinking oif becoming a peadiatrician(a doctor who specialises...
  4. M

    2008 Preliminary Roll Call

    hey guys goodluck im doing advanced english chemistry biology general maths drama legal studies extension 1 english its pretty good but im totally going to fail chemistry and its freaking me out :uhhuh: if anyone wants to talk bout topics and...