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  1. A

    Does God exist?

    Ofcourse not, and religion and God may be separate entities by definition; but the vast majority of people who believe in GOD follow some sort of RELIGION. So in practice, the two are inseparable.
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    your opinions on experimenting with drugs.. while on schoolies?

    I'm taking my advice on narcotics from Chris Lilley. He's a responsible guy right? E-E-E-E-Ecstasy... *ODs and dies*
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    What UAI should I get?

    I'm pretty certain it will be 78.45
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    Estimate your raw mark

    Essay: 18 Creative: 22 Total of 40. Perhaps these estimates are prejudiced by my respective assumptions of the quality of my two responses. I let myself down on the essay, but my creative writing was better than usual.
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    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    I did take care of who bears the burden of proof, you just failed to accept the obvious truth. It ultimately comes down to this: does communism work in practice? The burden of proof rests with you to provide examples of such, and if you can't see that then unfortunately this debate will never...
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    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    He is not able to back up what he's saying at all, in fact he has a very warped view of history and spends most of his time debating over semantics. For the record, I was not attacking his intelligence as part of a debate with him, my post about his intelligence was directed at you. You will...
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    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    I hope nobody is falling for this rubbish. Honestly you have just devoted a huge amount of space to arguing who has the burden of proof. You mustn't have much confidence left in your argument. Discard the entire thread, we aren't discussing it know that. I DO NOT bear the burden of...
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    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    You are grossly wrong in your comparison of communism to capitalism. Communism is indeed a political system. It preaches active removal of classes, removal of religion, equal sharing of resources, heavy government involvement, closed economies etc. Capitalism does not "preach" anything except...
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    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    The burden of proof does not fall on somebody to disprove something. I am making the assertion that communism DOES NOT work. In effect I'm pleading not-guilty, or at least the negative. You are the affirmative, you are claiming that communism works, you must provide evidence of its value. Or...
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    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    You can not even say that capitalism can force communist countries to do something. By definition capitalism is not an organised "thing" it's not an army or a tangible force. It's not an organised political system like communism is. Capitalism is simply a way in which business is conducted in an...
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    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    Ad hominem...absolutely fantastic debating. You see failure when you look at the capitalist world? Australia is a failure? Japan is a failure? Germany, France, Britain, New Zealand? All failures? You can not fall on the argument that communist countries are victims of capitalist countries. First...
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    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    So China, Vietnam and Russia aren't true communist nations...oh but Cuba! It's the world's pure example of glorious communism in action! Ludicrous. Let's examine this "successful" communist system shall we? GDP: $11 000 per capita (Need I say more) HDI: 0.838 ranked 51st (Your beloved Israel...
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    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    That is possibly the most childish argument I've ever seen. "Communism doesn't work, but neither does a particle accelerator...therefore communism is good" Let me also point out that a hadron collider does not rely on the illogical, it is based on hard physics. Communism relies on the absurd and...
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    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    I'll say it again, the burden of proof is on you. Give me an example of a successful communist system.
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    F**k Camden is stupid Part II: The Proposed Islamic Cemetery

    "Jewish infiltration of the media"..."Camden, yeah, racist place" Very solid argument mate. Judging by your discussion of the Jewish people and Camden as a racist place...perhaps you should move to Camden.
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    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    Big claims you make there. Care to bag them up with an arguement I haven't wiped the floor with already in this thread? But the burden of proof is not upon me. Sure I could throw in Russia, Vietnam, China...but I won't. Why don't you tell me of one successful communist system that exists...
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    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    Communism itself is not evil. It is indeed a pathetic and childish excuse for a political theory, but evil it is not. The men who have used it to advance their twisted doctrines are evil, but so too was Henry VIII evil. Does that mean monarchy is evil? Advocates of communism always fall back on...
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    F**k Camden is stupid Part II: The Proposed Islamic Cemetery

    Can you believe all this controversy has stemmed from an argument over whose imaginary friend is better? There should be NO religious graveyards or cemetaries AT ALL, you are all missing the point. Corpses are undeniably secular and to label them with religion of any kind is unacceptable.