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  1. C

    99.95 tutor for maths and english

    OMG this guy helped me so much with extension english, best tutor!! THANKS SHIBS!
  2. C

    Scaling of Engineering studies?

    so SAM is inaccurate? my friend told me that through SAM, 100 in business got scaled down to 98 or something. but i guess it could just be better for the higher marks.
  3. C

    Scaling of Engineering studies?

    are you serious? i plugged in a 97 into sam for engineering and it got scaled down to 88... and 100 itself got scaled down to 97 engineering scaling is aparently worse than business studies, which in itself is notorious for its bad scaling...
  4. C

    Navigating the Global?!?!?!

    aite, you need to chill. don't stress too much, it's the day before the exam. 1. find some theorists. you need em. get like at least 1 every 2 paragraphs (thats jus because it's the day before, otherwise i wouldve said 1-2 per para) 2. don't change relateds now, it's pointless. go with what you...
  5. C

    Advanced English text being used as Sup text?

    it is generally frowned upon by the markers if you're using a prescribed text from advanced in extension (as a related text) or a prescribed text from extension as a related in advanced.
  6. C

    Module essay questions

    hey, it would be very much appreciated if you could post the module C: Conflicting Perspectives essay question from the independent/cssa trial (whichever ones you have). cheers