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  1. I

    walked in on markers?

    mmm thats a very good point now i look back in heinsight
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    walked in on markers?

    the sticker? as in a red dot? they dont do those anymore.... you get rung up lol
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    Have you finished your practical + folio?

    they dont tell you on the day about nominations you get a call when the other HSC marks come out i know cause the headteacher for TAS at my school is a hsc marker this year
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    walked in on markers?

    what is it?
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    walked in on markers?

    thanks lol im playing it right now feels so good to use something you made..
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    walked in on markers?

    well there was pictures of me in the folio.. lol my teacher didnt mention it today, so it should be fine and i got my PRACTICAL MARKED sticker. woot
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    walked in on markers?

    hey all i made an ergonomic guitar for my MDP it was getting marked between 1.30-2.30 (only 2 ppl in my class); or at least thats what my teacher told me he said i could pick up my major work strait after school, 3.10 so i drove up to the room it was in, revesed the car up to teh door, swung...
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    Year 12 Yearbooks

    we have em, and they are ordered we used a website for everyone to vote in polls, upload profiles, and add pictures check it kthxbye
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    2008 HSC Timetable

    mine = the worst eng1 eng2+dnt math ext eng physics + software <-- why on earth do they do that...... *sigh* /facepalm kthxbye