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  1. jords0

    Merimbula 2008??

    Our class are all going to merimbula.. it isnt too bad- the 'lakey' goes off in summer- plus the rsl & bowlo.. easy access to tathra and eden- also good for a party.. The beaches are hell nice and everyone loves a piss up!!:)
  2. jords0

    Anyone else done subjects they regret doing?

    I wish I had done English standard instead. Advanced is full of shit and my teacher was constantly out to get me. Also I never wanted to do Food tech, but there was nothing else good to choose on that particular line. My food tech teacher always turned up to class 15-30mins late, and if she...
  3. jords0

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Re: Does anyone have 2 exams on the same day? i have general maths- which is 2.5 hours and then a 2 hr break followed by food tech which goes for 3 hours.. after that i have 8 days off... how ridiculous!!!
  4. jords0

    How many people are there in your classes?

    Only 20 in my year! English- 8 peeps Maths- 11 peeps art- 3 peeps music- 4 peeps food tech- 4 peeps pd- 5 peeps love it