Selling Engg1811 2nd edition (latest) textbook, perfect condition. Book is very strong on Excel and good at VBA (programming) for beginners. $30 ($5 cheaper than above).
With the PC WAM thing, is the WAM based on all 4 subjects in the first semester or only the other 3 sujects (and not the one you got etween 45 and 50 in)?
Yeah, I liked the topics they asked last year better. No Doppler effect etc...
I don't see any point to this really. 20 minutes before the exam is probably not going to help you with anything you didn't know already.
These are uselss in my opinion. The first once I ever took I think I noticed a mild increase in alertness, but that could just be a palcebo effect most likely. I do not notice any effect from them what-so-ever now.
The lecturer has said you don't have to pass the final exam, but you do have to get over 50% overall in the course AND do satisfactory in each part of the course (this includes the final). He wouldn't define furthur what 'satisfactory' in the exam was, so hopefully its just that you have a...
I personally thoghut the 1131 paper was slightly harder than the previous years to some extent, with the Algebra component perhaps harder than in the previous couple of years. No Riemann sum stuff or rates of change was good though. Hopefully I passed it otehrwise problems arise next semster...
I doubt they would let you walk across the racecourse, normally that entrance is for cars only, although it may be different for uni exams. Its not 2km either lol.