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  1. S

    Uai 80-89

    adv english - 84 english ext 1 - 44 english ext 2- 45 business studies - 81 ancient history - 82 legal studies - 83 UAI = 85.00
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    Trials Thoughts/Results

    Re: The 'I CBF TO STUDY/DO WORK AFTER TRIALS' thread My trials finished last week and i had my ee2 major work due.. I'm not going to school till thursday or studying until next week.. My brain and creative skills are on holiday..
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    First Three Words of your MW (Just 'Cause)

    'The city is ...' =)
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    Countdown Until Hand In

    We have to hand it in to school on the 22nd of August but i don't think the school sends it away till next wednesday.. well mine sends it then.. i don't know whether you could submit it late, talk to your teachers about what happens if you dont submit it tomorrow.. Sneak them some money and who...
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    Go on, admit you're BSing your journal right now

    Do we have to include a bilbiography into our journals.. I wrote a short story and have had at least a page for each resource/inspiration of writing in my journal.. do i have to include a list aswell?
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    The 'I'm finished EE2 for 2008' thread.

    There is 10 hours till it has to be handed in... and everything is sweet but my reflection statement.. i need to cut down like 600 words!!
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    Drafts completed?

    I hate my reflection statement.. I hate it so so much. Isn't the way they mark the major work is they read your Major work then your reflection statement then your major work again.. And judge your major work based on what you have wrote in the reflection statement... Mine just doesn't make...
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    Countdown Until Hand In

    My story is my baby too!! I don't want to let it go.. ever... or my journal.. Do we get our journals back? I hope we do.
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    Trials Thoughts/Results

    Re: Trials Thoughts xD Ahhh my trials start in less than two weeks and i'm only beginning to study now! KILL ME! I've had five assessment tasks; two last week and three this week so have not been focusing on the trial.. Pretty pointless to ask but anyone got some tips to study effectively from...
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    Drafts completed?

    I have around 5700 words! It's killing me, because i love my story and i can't add anywhere, well at least i think i can't... But just alcader, i do all my editing by hand.. it's so much easier..
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    Health Problems during the HSC

    During these holidays, which are really important in preparing for the trials, i've been in bed as i've had a kidney infection along with terrible migraines.. Adding to this, i have the stress of coming back to school next week with 3 assessments and another 3 the following week before the...
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    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: wat u guys plannin 2 do afta hsc I wouldn't want to serve people and do that gay ass safety things or would like the uniform for that matter lol I would love to be a pilot, but that's just a dream.
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    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: wat u guys plannin 2 do afta hsc I plan to travel. Everywhere. Not sure how to fund this as of yet.
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    Revenge Tragedy Urrgeeent

    Any good poems/short stories? Was reading Robert Browning's "Porphyria's Lover", but it's kinda hard to depict... any other good poems or short stories??? it seems like it's all movies & novels.
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    POMPEII/Herc. past paper questions?

    I can't seem to find a thread for just past question of Pompeii, only like Rome, Egypt, Greece, Near East. If anyone has a resource with past paper questions please share!!
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    Urgent Help For Assessment Tomorrow

    Give one example to illustrate the impact of State Sovereignty in relation to International Law. I have chosen Child Sex Tourism In Asian Countries I have outlined all the treaties/laws that have been introduced at both international and domestic levels however WHAT IS THE IMPACT OF S.S IN...
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    uni libraries

    me too! i thought u had to be a uni person to go..
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    What does your study area look like? [POST PHOTOS]

    LOL at the penis.. is it robotic, did someone say? HA I don't even have a desk in my room! I study while on my bed..
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    HSC and Family Pressure/Expectations

    Re: Pressure From Parents My parents dont pressure me.. thankfully!! however they kind of like to limit my going out-ness.. depending how much i study.. if i study all week really well, then friday & saturday night i go out.. if not.. they give me a lecture that i should balance study & going...
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    Concentration techniques.....

    What i do is study like half an hour/forty five minutes.. one subject or writing notes... then have a break for half an hour.. then repeat.. it's an easy way to study three hours without really feeling tired/ unmotivated.. In between eat chocolate, lollies.. only redbull/v before LOL otherwise...