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    when does session 2 actually start? 20th or 27th jul

    I've looked at the unsw website... its not clear thanks
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    Working with three variables

    yeap its smooth. some sort of polynomial
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    Working with three variables

    its unknown. which is why experiments are needed to determine the relationship.if the relatinoship Q = f (A,B,C) was known, we wouldnt need to be doing any experiments.. but to establish the relationship, first we need to set up the experiment itself. this is where i need to know how to set...
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    Working with three variables

    experimentally, by performing some tests. SHould i see what the optimum ratio of A:B is (ie find the ratio of A:B for which Q is optimised) and then take that blend of A & B and do the following: A&B : C 1: 0 0.8: 0.2 0.6: 0.4 0.4: 0.6 0.2: 0.8 0: 1 and take the optimum of that as...
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    Working with three variables

    If I have 2 variables, A and B (A+B = 1), and i wanted to see the effect of varying these two on a quantity Q then i could just do an experiment where i go: A: B 1: 0 0.8: 0.2 0.6: 0.4 0.4: 0.6 0.2: 0.8 0: 1 and measure Q for each ratio (and choose the ratio which gives the best Q). But...
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    Backing up stuff

    Whats the best way to back up important documents?
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    Laptop < $700-800, light/portable 4 educational purpose

    yeah ok, thanks.... ive decided not to buy 2nd hand. I will buy 1st hand. Does anyone know whether its "better" (not necessarily just cheaper) to buy from the computer company/manufacturer itself eg Dell or a retailer eg officeworks?
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    Laptop < $700-800, light/portable 4 educational purpose

    Ok a friend of a friend is selling a Dell 1420 (inspiron) 14 inch for $550. its 1.5 yrs old apparently, has 2gb ram and 80gb hd. I wanted to know if this is a good buy? I thought 80gb hd was a bit low... not sure though. Also, i assume it has windows vista...but i prefer xp... does anyone...
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    trueman's elementary biology, 2 volumes - these are like VERY detailed books, great references...

    trueman's elementary biology, 2 volumes - these are like VERY detailed books, great references. published in india wont get it in aus Dictionary of biology - published in india again, thin and concise of all various terms in biology then i have the usual stuff: "student resource and activity...
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    Laptop < $700-800, light/portable 4 educational purpose

    ok cool thanks. cd/dvd drive not essential and im happy to get an external one if needed. by the way, i just went on the dell website and saw these dell mini ones... not sure if they're good quality? apparently they've just come out recently..?
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    Laptop < $700-800, light/portable 4 educational purpose

    by the way, i made a previous thread on eeepc. but i have realised eeepc has way too small keys on the keyboard and i just wanted to put the question out there of which laptop brand ppl may have suggestions for based on my listed criteria. thanks for any help
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    Laptop < $700-800, light/portable 4 educational purpose

    no games. need it for: - internet - ms office 07 - media playing - maybe some programs here and there im a student on a budget. Any suggestions?
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    Best place to purchase a Laptop?

    are there any other places where u can buy laptops other than the mainstream shops like jb hifi, dicksmith, tandy, bing lee, etc etc?? like computer shops? where would u find them?
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    guidelines on moving into an apartment

    cheers.. yeah was thinking of iinet naked dsl. but wasnt sure if that is better or worse than tpg? has anyone been with either or both these providers?
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    guidelines on moving into an apartment

    while on the subject of services, does anyone know whats the best place to get: 1. electricity connected to a unit (cheapest) - i heard origin is good?? 2. internet (best deal) - dont relli download much, visit lotsa sites, some streaming 3. phone (best deal) i heard optus have a good...
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    how many words is an Honours thesis?

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    thanks for the suggestions. i think i will mostlikely get a msi wind. now im just not sure of the model which i should get, and also where i can get it (for a decent price)
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    Clinique skincare

    apparently the normal range (unisex/mens) doesnt actually help get rid of blemishes/scars from past pimples/acne? and that only the anti-blemsih range does? true??