Went to the ICAA Cadetship Victoria event last night. My goodness it was packed! :eek: Barely any room to move, it seems some decided to bring their whole families. :rolleyes:
Anyway, I think I've decided to apply for E&Y and Deloitte. does anyone have any experiences with these companies and...
Thanks for the help seremify007, I actually have a couple more questions if its not too much trouble :)
1. I've heard of people getting cadetship-like interships at the Big Banks? Is this commonly possible and how do you apply? (I understand if you don't know the answer to this one!)
2. Is it...
Hey guys, I've been interested in getting an Accounting Cadetship for a loooooooooong time and I have a few questions:
1. I have signed up for the ICAA night (Victoria) and I was wondering, do they send you tickets or something or do you just get asked at the door what your name is?
2. Around...