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  1. S

    How much have you studied?

    i wish i had that natural ability :( i suck at society and culture average a 70% which i think is good ( but that requires study )
  2. S

    less then 24 hours

    the one your school gives you and the one the board of studies receive can be different. i think he means from the exams :)
  3. S

    less then 24 hours

    yer my school advisor person said to never trust those thing and they can never really work it out anyway its all about scaling and ranking im sure you will do fine! :)
  4. S

    less then 24 hours

    society and culture students of 2008 HSC get excited as we have less then 24 hours if you couldnt tell im SUPER excited lol!
  5. S

    anyone else bluding???

    im pretty excited to get started so it ends quickly lol i have been studying for months now, but i find studying a few days before always works :)